Surf News Network, August 9th:
In case you hate chemistry just remember…life is a chemical reaction. Plus your new board shorts use it…BIG TIME.
Indeed, raincoats, car windshields, waterproof phones: They all use a little chemistry to stay dry.
Inspired by nature, chemists use extremely water-fearing, or superhydrophobic, coatings to repel water from surfaces to keep them dry. Watch as the Reactions team uses a high-speed camera and some brave volunteers to bring the science of staying dry to life.
Every year out surf industry launches the latest high-tech board shorts. Then it’s all about ‘marketing hyperbole’ from all the big companies such as Rip Curl, Billabong, Quik, Volcom, Reef…. bombarding surfers with the “dryest ever”, “never wet”, “totally waterproof”…
Now, the newest wetsuits introduce another round of marketing terminology: hydrophobic or “tending to repel or fail to mix with water”.
So, how do hydrophobic wetsuits and board shorts work? Don’t just take a company’s word for it. Let’s understand the science/validity behind this product marketing. After all, your new pair of hydrophobic boardies can run near $100!
Thankfully PBS has just launched a 3-minute-edit that explains the science behind your favorite pair of quick dry board shorts.