We are unbelievably proud of the Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team, who represented both AccesSurf and our island home on the global stage, showing the world the power of ALOHA. Below is the official press release highlighting the team’s accomplishments in California!
La Jolla Shores, California
December 9-11,2016
The second annual ISA World Adaptive Surfing Championships were held in La Jolla Shores, CA – hosting 77 surfers with physical disabilities from 23 nations.
Each nation competed with a team of a total of 8 surfers in 6 divisions; 1st through 4th place medals in each division and the country with the highest points overall winning the World Championship Title.
This event was monumental because it provided a world stage for surfers with disabilities to compete at an elite level, bringing awareness to the sport of adaptive surfing as it grows around the world.
The Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team (HAST) represented with a team of 8 competitors including alternates.
We are proud to announce that Hawaii brought home 2 medals and placed 5th as a nation overall!
Hawaii Medals:
Silver in AS- 1 (Stand/Kneel), Mike Coots
Copper in the AS-2 (Stand/Kneel), Colin Cook
Both Mike Coots and Colin Cook are shark attack survivors. Mike lost his leg below his knee when he was 18 years old surfing on Kauai. Colin Cook lost his leg above the knee in October 2015 surfing at the popular North Shore surf break ‘Left Overs’.
Their division (classification) difference is determined by their amputation level.
Mike and Colin were surfers prior to their injury and both defy odds by continuing to not only surf but to surf at a world competitive level.
Mike Coots (Left and Top) and Colin Cook (Right and Bottom) with Coach Chris.
2016 Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team:
AS1 (stand/kneel)
Tommy Counihan
Darian Haynes (alternate)
AS2 (stand/kneel)
AS3 (upright/sit)
Meria Durate (the only female competing in her division)
Diane Whitcomb (alternate)
AS4 (prone)
Bill Martin
Ann Yoshida (alternate)
AS5 (assisted)
Buster Kawasaki
Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team (HAST) proudly thank their sponsors AccesSurf, Alaska Airlines, DaKine Hawaii, Bamnation and Juice Productions.
For full event results, visit http://isaworlds.com/adaptive/2016/en/results/