In perfect 5-8′ Sunset from the NNW. Clear skies. Chance of seabreeze and cloudy build up later. Swell should hold. SNN.
Sunset Beach lines up for an 8am start to the Sunset Pro Junior. Image: WSL/Freesurf/Rock
Event / Location: | Sunset Pro Junior / North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii |
Dates: | January 17 – 27, 2016 |
Rating: WSL Men’s QS1,000 WSL Men’s JP1,000 WSL Women’s JP 1,000 |
Sunset Beach, North Shore, Oahu, HAWAII – (Tuesday, January 19, 2016) — The Sunset Pro Junior Men and Women’s has been called ON today with an 8am start. A NNW swell is on hand at Sunset Beach with 6-8 foot clean waves and light ESE winds. The finals are expected to take place around 3pm this afternoon, with a Sunset Pro Junior Men’s and Women’s champion being crowned. |
In the Round of 32, the first heat to hit the water is Barron Mamiya (Oahu), Koa Yokota (Oahu), Kainaru Kato (Oahu) and Sebastian Williams (ZAF). Up first for the Women’s is former junior world champion Mahina Maeda (Oahu), Gabriela Bryan (Kauai), Aloha Lopez (Maui) and Meah Collins (USA).Please anticipate an official press release, video news reel (VNR) and photo package after the competition ends for the day.
Contest officials will reconvene tomorrow at 7am to determine if the Sunset Pro Men’s QS1,000 will kick off.