Featured Surfer By Access Surf (Learn how to be a part of it all HERE)
A big part of AccesSurf is the Hawaii Adaptive Surf Team (HAST).
HAST has members throughout the islands and every year team members represent Hawai’i at the ISA Ampsurf World Championships.
This year joined the team.
Aaron is a wonderful addition to the team with his positivity and deep love for surfing.
As a visually impaired surfer, Aaron has a unique connection with the ocean and how he rides waves.
Let’s hear from Aaron…
Earlier this year I first learned about adaptive surfing at my local break in Maui which led me to AccesSurf. From the start, I was greeted with open arms and joined AccesSurf as a participant on Team Hawaii for the 2020 ISA Ampsurf World Parasurfing Championships. It is such an honor to be a part of a community that embraces everyone and encourages us to push past our limits in surfing and in life. I am so grateful in every way and so stoked to inspire others though creating a broader and bigger surf Ohana”
I have a rare degenerative eye disorder which has caused blindness in the center of my vision. I can only see through the periphery in both of my eyes. In surfing this has it’s challenges especially when it’s crowded and pumping, yet I really pay attention to all of the other surfers in the lineup. At the same time, I am blessed to be able to see the long lines stretching across the horizon through the side of my vision. Lining up can be challenging as it is difficult to see the shore and other landmarks to get in position and most of the time I only surf with someone in the water with me to help position me in the right place and call out the bomb sets so I don’t get pounded. When it all comes together and I am on the wave I really go by feeling the textures and seeing the contrast between the deep blue and white water to make the most of the ride. It’s such a blessing to connect with the ocean so often and is my place to operate in the present moment, to meditate, to test my limits, and to learn how precious each moment truly is.” Aaron, Adaptive Surfer