50-year-old Man paddleboards from San Francisco to Hawaii in 76 days
In case, you missed this story…
Another endurance athlete has conquered the Pacific Ocean…this time it’s the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean as a “standup paddleboarder”. No, it wasn’t only a SUP…one needs sleep/shelter. So the Spaniard used a 21-foot-long vessel which could be paddled and slept in.
Antonio de la Rosa’s journey began in San Francisco on June 9. It ended last Sunday, Aug 25th when he reached Honolulu. The 50-year-old covered 2,500 miles of the open ocean using his arms, wind and the ocean’s currents. He endured rough weather, including Hurricane Flossie which passed within 60 miles. De la Rosa never thought of giving up.
De la Rosa used his “Ocean Defender” – a combo paddleboard + small boat for a sleeping cabin, storage, and solar panels for power. The athlete ate dehydrated food, using heated water, and sometimes fished. He paddled about 10 hours a day and slept every night, although he woke up hourly to check on his gear.
De la Rosa lost about ten pounds. He never became ill despite sleep deprivation.