Today’s Notes – raw clips John & Ivan

I’ve been recording notes for myself the last few years to keep records on the boards and fins I ride.

They have been super helpful as a way to organize those thoughts, and give feedback to Pyzel or the team at Futures.

It instantly improved our design process when we could add a visual record to the feedback I give them.

It also became a big part of my competitive process, going back through different sessions to choose which boards I pack for tour, or what I choose to ride in a heat based on conditions.

And an added way to get feedback from someone like Ross.

As we kept recording them, it developed into a way to test other kinds of gear as well, whether that’s sample boardshorts for Florence, or something like a new pad design with Veia.

I thought it would be fun to share a few of them just to show the process.

Also, this was my first dad surf. Pretty stoked on that!

Surfers featured: @JJF Ivan Florence
Gear featured:

@PyzelSurfboardsInternational Power Tiger @futuresfins Techflex (L), and Fiberglass (L) signature templates @FlorenceMarineX Test Sample 2-in-1 board shorts, hooded rash guard @veiasupplies squash tail pad


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